I saw this Mommy Meme at
Pam's and thought to give it a go.
Baby's Name?
November 2005
Where was he/she born?
Polymedic Hospital
What time was he/she born?
5:27 PM
Weight/length at birth?
I forgot- and I'm not proud with that. Must have been 5 lb-ish.
Age as you're typing this survey:
Are you a paranoid mom...?
All the time
Do you sterilize everything (like boil nipples or wash every toy)?
Yes - until he reached 1 year plus. (See previous answer)
Do you buy "sensitive skin" wipes because they're "better" for baby's skin?
No. I rarely use wipes. I use cotton and water.
Do you worry that your baby will stop breathing in his/her sleep?
Not now. But there was a time when he was just an infant...
Do you freak out if they happen to doze off during tummy time? (SIDS!!)
Not now. But sometimes, sometime ago.
Do you overdress your baby, whether it's warm or cold?
Do you wash your baby's clothing in Dreft or other baby detergent?
No. For a couple of years, no one could touch his soiled clothings but my mom and me (and hub - when he's home). Now, we sometimes let the cleaners do some of his soiled clothes.
Do you refuse to dress baby in anything with buttons (choking hazard)?
Not now.
Do you watch (and critique) when someone else changes baby's diaper?
No. Ah, yes. Few times when hubby did the changing.
Did you buy all of their furniture (crib, changing table, stroller) NEW?
Yes. Except the stroller-we didn't buy one.
Do you have to wash a pacifier that fell on the floor before giving to baby?
I didn't gave him any pacifier.
Do you worry about anyone else holding your baby?
Yes especially those who are not members of the family.
When you leave baby with a sitter, is all you do worry about baby?
I'm blessed I have my parents as sitters. I would have worried myself sick if it had been other people.
Do you jump out of bed the second baby starts fussing during the night?
When Matt starts coughing, yes. Because he's got asthma.
Do you worry about making baby bleed when clipping his/her fingernails?
No. I mastered this art :-)
Do you call your pediatrician at least once a week?
No. But there are times I wish I could.
Do you cancel playdates because your baby has a runny nose and coughed once?
No playdates for us. So sad.
Do you refuse to go shopping without a shopping cart cover?
No. I do not have one.
If you have a cat, do you worry about toxoplasmosis?
I used to. Gotten over it, thanks God.
Is your baby allowed anywhere near your pets?
No. Because he is asthmatic. But sometimes he can get as near as a couple of feet (with someone holding him) - but I have a no-touching policy with him. Am I so bad?
Do you only feed your baby organic baby foods out of fear of preservatives?
Yes, most of the times. I want to stick to healthy and organic foods but I learned to make concessions.
Do you think you are or ever have been a paranoid new mom?
Yes! There's no denying about that.
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