I hardly say that because I don't usually come late in parties or gatherings. But today, I come in late to the
Ultimate Blog Party at
5minutesformom. (It's March 14 already in the Philippines) . I really don't want to quote that cliche about getting in late now because 80% of the time, I don't agree with it. But today, I'm in the 20% position. Of course, I can come up with lots of excuses but I'll spare everyone with that. I guess what matters most is I'm here. I'm joining.
Mama Meji. Others like to call me ZAM. You can call me that. Or Zenaida. But whatever name you call me, it doesn't matter except for
this one word. I work in the telecoms industry. If I'm not working and mothering my two-year old son, I am blogging. I am a certified blogging addict. I also blog in the office (
don't tell my boss please).
My other half is someone I'd like to call
Houston. He also works in the Engineering field but he's doing designs and works an hour flight away from home. He is actually the reason why I started blogging.

But Houston said, this kid is the reason why I should blog (so he can read updates of our lives and Matt's development).

This is Matt. And he works so hard to make that tummy bulge -asking "Mama, rice, rice, more rice," "I want to eat pleeeaaase" etc... once too often. Eating is really the least of my parenting concern. I'm more concerned with his antics that drive me nuts (which reminds me that I have to blog about how he brought the CR door vent down). But I love my one-kid demolition team so much.
Welcome to my party! Welcome to my life.
And the food and drinks? We can always visit any one of these restos. I'm not being modest if I tell you I'm not really a good cook. That's the truth. But I could make killer salads and few desserts. Wink.
You can also read my interview at 5minutesformom
The Ultimate Blog Party has lots of prizes to be given away. And I'm amazed that even bloggers outside of US have a chance to win some prizes. For instance, here are some cool prizes that I'd love to win:
INTL 9 — Pocket Place Mat which is provided by Comfort Joy Designs
INTL 5 — Adventures Along the Way e-book provided by Bobbie Howard
INTL 3 — Ebook Prize Package which is provided by Melissa O. Markham