2. What was your best vacation this past summer? Going to Boracay. It's a beautiful place to be...crystal clear waters, pristine white sand... *sigh*
3. Did you do anything special for the 4th of July? No, we don't celebrate that in this country.
4. What did you do special for Memorial Day? -same with #3-
5. How was the weather? Tell us where you live and how the weather was as compared to summers past.
6. Did you discover a new favorite summer drink? No.
7. Did you enjoy this summer’s Olympics? The opening was superb!
8. I am from New England (Rhode Island). Lobster rules supreme in the summer. Is lobster part of your summer ritual? Unfortunately, not here. But it would have been wonderful. I so love lobsters.
9. What was the best single day of your summer? Can't think of only a single day. :-)